Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Tarheel Seeks Revenge

Click here to watch video. [Quicktime]

In the wake of the UNC win:

I am a Duke Fan! Melissa's sister and I have been going back and forth since the ACC tournament. It all started when I made the comment that I hated Carolina in an earlier post.

As I got home from work today, I checked the answering machine and got a message I was somewhat expecting. I thought it would be fun to make a response video to her message, instead of actually calling her back and hearing it twice.

Hope you enjoy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing my vocal talent with the world. I owe you...something! I have been swamped with school work.

Tickets to the NCAA tournament: 120 dollars

"Jackie Manuel has a posse" t-shirt:
32 dollars

Watching Dook fans cry: Priceless

Warning: this should in no way to taken as an shady recruiting ad

4/10/2005 11:07 AM  

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