Monday, February 26, 2007

It's Going Around

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I've been sick with the flu, but I'm much better. Now, Melissa is getting sick. Oh no!

This is the first video I've posted with my new digital camera. I just got a Canon SD630. It's great for shooting short videos like this. It's also got me taking more pictures.. check out my Flickr page and add me as a contact!

Oh... and it's been 2 years since my first vlog post! It's hard to believe I've been posting this long.



Blogger Levois said...

You all get well soon now. Don't let that flu get you down.

2/27/2007 12:11 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Oh no! We've all had that nasty flu too. Not fun! Glad you're feeling better, and hope Melissa gets to feeling better soon. Welcome back!

3/01/2007 9:46 AM  
Blogger Ferger said...

Turns out I had strep throat, which isn't as bad as the flu, but I've felt bad for about 5 days now... Hopefully everyone in the house will be completely well this weekend!!

3/01/2007 8:08 PM  
Blogger Carl Weaver said...

I hear you, my friend. I work in schools and have lots of contact with kids, so I am very susceptible to that sutff. I slather my hands with antibacterial stuff all the time. It makes me feels like I have OCD but I tend to stay somewhat healthy. My first month at this job I was coughing up lung butter like there was no tomorrow.

4/21/2007 7:07 PM  

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